Friday, March 12, 2010

Mind games with Coleman!

I meant to post a video of Coleman playing with his Nina Ottosson puzzle a long time ago and never got around to it so here it is now.



Kara said...

awesome. he's totally ambidextrous.

Hanna said...

now i really want to get the box puzzle you guys have in the store...

Unknown said...

omg, that s the coolest thing ever!

Unknown said...

hey hanna! i've been meaning to contact you for ages. would love to see you, either upstate or in the city. plus you have to meet our dog Gus-- we adopted him last summer. i think coleman would approve!

Hanna said...

Lela, what is your email & tel number? I only had the one from your old work which I couldn't use to get you anymore. shiny happy clouds (at) yahoo (dot) com -with no spaces - is me